UCCR's New Branding & New Website

Last weekend we launched our new website. Wow. We're very excited about it...and feel a bit like we've been able to ride the wave of user-friendly technology, i.e. moblile friendly and all. Plus, we know More Pictures, Less Words! We worked with Wildflower Marketing owner Lindsey Perry who did an outstanding job for us.

In conjunction with our new website, you will see a new logo and new branding for UCCR and each site. When you visit us on FB, everything is flowing visually with the UCCR brand. Many thanks to our Marketing Manager, Laura Chamberlin, for her work on the logo and re-branding.

UCCR has expanded in the last year to include and welcome Clover Woods in Iowa, Jesuit Retreat Center in Los Altos, and marketing services for a beautiful site on the shores of Crystal Lake in Michigan, Crystal Conference Center. 

Marketing-wise, we have added a Marketing Manager because, as you can imagine, we have a lot of ongoing research & outreach to our potential guests. We have traditionally reached out to religious groups, non-profit orgs, and schools. We are beginning to be more intentional about our materials targeting specific groups...yoga, martial arts, quilters, high school coaches, etc. 

As always, we welcome any kind of suggestions and groups you think might be good matches for any of our beautiful sites within the UCCR family. Thanks in advance for your connection!