Toyon Lake at Jesuit Retreat Lowest in Years

Toyon Lake here at Jesuit Retreat Center (JRC) is lower than I have ever seen it.  Last year I think it would have gotten this low but I was putting water from the Cool Pool into it.  This year the Cool Pool is almost full but not spilling over like it did last year.  I get worried about the fish with so little water. I see them jumping for bugs and such, maybe air, so I know they are still there.  The water can’t be more than a foot deep right now.  One things nice is all the turtles are in a smaller area so you can always see one to about ten of them sunning on the side.  The rains we have gotten in the last couple for weeks has the lawn starting to green up a little.  Maybe things will get back to normal this winter.  Then we can complain about all the rain and how everything is all wet and cold all the time.

-Kris Holland, Site Director at JRC