Thanksgiving at WOLF School

What are we at Web of Life Field (WOLF) School thankful for?

I can only tell you what I, the director, am thankful for, as with the pandemic most of our wonderful WOLF School staff have disbanded off to their individual adventures until we can gather gloriously together again at camp. I personally am grateful for all the wonderful WOLF School hugs I have experienced over the years. WOLF is a place where we practice WELCOMING people, into our community, our space, our camp. And WOLF School is a place where many staff welcome each other with hugs. (pre-pandemic)

I am thankful also for those who are aware and speak up about colonialism and the terrible racism we've experienced and continue to experience in the United States. This year, I will be spending time around Thanksgiving researching the Indigenous People who have called the land I live on home. I am writing this from the land of the Amah-Mutsun, people who were also called Ohlone who lived near Aptos, and am learning more of how they were driven off their land by settlers, where they are now, and how they continue to care for the land. I am thankful for the opportunity to learn, and honor them and their connection to this land that was stolen from them.

Lastly, I am thankful for WOLF School creating an educational center where I have the opportunity to work with some of the best people in the world! Each week teachers and students attend programs, naturalists teach, chaperones help kids in the cabins. All based on the idea that kids learn from hands-on science experiences in the outdoors, we are all connected, and that we should cooperate and live together within the web of life. From naturalists to board members, site staff to campers, non-profit colleagues to teachers, there are "shooting stars" aplenty in the WOLF School sky and I am thankful to interact with such quality people on a regular basis.

Happy Thanksgiving–however you choose to celebrate or not. Wishing you comfort, honor to those whose land you are on, and a safe holiday.

–Heather Butler, WOLF School Director


Giving Thanks at Craigville Retreat Center


Gratitude Season at CGC