Family Reunions: Benefits and Solutions

Family reunions offer a multitude of benefits, but in today’s fast-paced world, finding time to create, organize, and eventually enjoy can perpetually push the idea to the back burner. Yet, the benefits may not only last a lifetime but for generations to come. 

In this article, we will cover the invaluable benefits of family gatherings and offer solutions to help with the organizing, which typically falls to one or two family members. Some of these benefits may surprise you! 

If your family hasn’t gathered prior, this is for you. 

If your family routinely gathers and the organizing falls to the same person each time, this is for you, too. 

"Families are like branches on a tree. We grow in different directions, yet our roots remain as one.”

Before we offer $olutions, let’s address some of the invaluable benefits: 

1 Emotional Glue 

  • Reunions provide an opportunity for family members to reconnect in a social and casual setting, with the intention of having fun, connecting, and strengthening a sense of belonging. 

  • Gathering in one place in person allows families to naturally share family stories, create traditions, and make new memories that bond and impact future generations. 

  • It may not seem potent to have grandparents and the newest addition to the family interact, yet the imprinting that can happen impacts both generations on a grand scale. For an older person, connecting with the latest generation can offer hope for the future. For the younger generation, interacting with a grandparent can have lasting and meaningful moments that might not be available. When we create opportunities to build socially interactive family events – belonging, trust, and a deep sense of knowing where we come from ensues.  

  • Family reunions can act as a support network, offering emotional support and advice from relatives who may have shared experiences or insights. 

“I was living very far from my family so was looking forward to our annual gathering. I unfortunately had a fall and needed surgery on my knee. Determined to make the trip before I had fully healed I brought ice packs on my drive and stopped often to stretch. When I arrived and hobbled in on crutches, the warm welcome from family members made the extra effort well worth it. I felt so loved and cared for during a difficult time.” - Sarah

2. Passing the Baton 

  • Reunions are an excellent opportunity to pass family history to younger generations.  

  • Providing a platform to explore family history and genealogy and see oneself in our relations helps family members understand their roots and heritage. 

  • Sharing stories about ancestors and past events can be entertaining and provide opportunities for self-learning, as we may see ourselves represented in stories shared by previous generations.  

“At a family reunion, my grandfathers' sister came for the first time. When she walked into the room the first thing I noticed was her nose, it looked just like mine and I exclaimed, “That’s my nose!” The entire family started laughing. At that very moment I realized my nose didn’t look like anyone else in my immediate family. The sense of belonging lasts to today and would never have happened if we hadn’t been brought together.” - Susan

3. Happiness Train

  • Positive family interactions and experiences can improve our mental well-being by reducing the isolation most people experience in today's technological world. Happy family interactions significantly impact our well-being. Even if a family gathering impacts one member's mental wellness, it’s worth it. 

  • Discussing family medical history can highlight potential genetic health issues, encouraging preventive measures and healthier lifestyles. 

“At a family reunion last year, I found out that many of my family members had experienced thyroid issues. Upon returning home I met with my doctor and within 30 days on thyroid medication, my two decades of insomnia vanished. I would never have known if I hadn’t had a group discussion with my family.” - Josh

4. Networking from the Heart 

  • Family members can offer unique perspectives when presented when offering help, whether it's advice, financial assistance, or sharing resources like childcare or housing. If deep trust is built, the family helping family can be offered without strings and only with the most profound care in mind. 

  • Family reunions may also serve as a networking opportunity to bring together family members with diverse skills. Networking creates bonding experiences long after the reunion is over. 

“I brought my future husband to our family’s last reunion. It was the only time that year I interacted with my uncle, I had no idea that he and my fiancé would hit it off so well with their shared interest in music. They even exchanged numbers and started working on a side-hustle together. This never would have happened without the family get together.” - Mary

5. Play as the Highest Form of Research 

  • Joseph Chilton Pierce, a world-renowned author and child and human development specialist, says play is essential for the building blocks of trust, safety, and learning. Family reunions that include play and laughter set the stage for the fundamental qualities that make our lives rich and amplify feelings of connection and belonging. 

  • Play is through which we learn about the world around us. Playing isn’t just for children; adults who play learn about resilience, which strengthens their ability to cope with life's ups and downs. Playing at a family reunion doubles the impact by creating resilience alongside our family members. 

“One of my favorite memories when I was young was spending time with extended family at our annual reunion. As I grew and spent time with my friend's families, I realized that my family was quite playful by comparison. I still remember my father teasing my aunt and how she would start laughing, followed by the rest of us. It is during these times that I learned how to be lighthearted and enjoy light banter.” - Henry

Family reunions foster a sense of community and offer a way for families to stay connected, support one another, and become the foundation as strong as the roots and trunk of the tree. 


To make planning a reunion easier, consider renting a retreat house with plenty of lodging, gathering space, nature trails, and a well-stocked kitchen. The Claar House, a retreat lodge, is well-equipped for up to 20 guests. Nestled in the hills of Northern California, it offers seven bedrooms, five bathrooms, two gathering areas, a stone fireplace, a full kitchen, and a large outside deck. 

Throughout 2024, Claar House and other lodging options at CGC Camp offer scholarships to family groups for up to 50% off lodging and meals to encourage family gatherings. To learn more, call 800-678-5102 or email us at

Booking the Claar House is the first step to making your next family reunion happen easily. To see other camp and retreat centers across the USA that host family reunions, click here.


Location: 30303 Chicken Hawk Road, Foresthill, CA 95631
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