6 Tips for Nonprofit Leadership to Foster an Environment of Success
Today, there are more nonprofits in the USA than ever before. Last year, 1.8 million mission-based organizations were striving to have a positive impact. While many organizations meet their missions and are successful, others struggle or even close for various reasons.
In this article, we offer six tips to help nonprofits thrive by fostering an environment of success.
An old saying is that you are only as good as your weakest link. When nonprofit leadership is thoughtful about creating and maintaining a successful team, there will not be any weak links. Everyone has specific skills and natural abilities that can make a positive contribution when identified, encouraged, and nurtured.
Nonprofit leadership has a unique opportunity to create dynamic, mission-based staff. Because most people who work for nonprofits believe in the organization's mission, personal power can emerge, which ignites a unique drive. As Margaret Mead always said:
“Never underestimate the power of a small group of committed people to change the world. It is the only thing that ever has.”
Yes, there are other key ingredients, like an engaged Board, yet here, we want to focus on the importance of creating a dynamic staff culture. When leadership has the tools to ignite the flame of creativity and success in our staff, there is nothing we cannot do.
We must value, cherish, and inspire our employees so they are motivated to do their best.
Prioritize Appreciation
Nonprofits cannot function without staff. When inspired and appreciated, a small team of people can do wonderful things together. But how do we let staff know their efforts are appreciated?
Pro-Tip #1
Take staff on retreat to get out of the office, clear the mind, get inspired and refocus with new inspiration on the mission. Consider planning a retreat mid-week so staff do not have to miss their weekend.
Engage in Team Building
The most successful nonprofits know how important it is to engage in Team Building. Just imagine your team working hot on a deadline, with an air of excitement and camaraderie. Team building brings people closer together, making project-based work more enjoyable and most importantly, effective.
Pro-Tip #2
Find an event space with plenty of areas for indoor and outdoor Team-Building activities, and plan activities (or hire a facilitator to do so) that are inclusive of your whole staff.
Affordable Retreat Centers
Big businesses often send employees on lavish retreats because they know the expenses are small compared to the benefits. After all, retreats increase productivity, employee morale, and employee retention.
Yet, many nonprofits cannot afford lavish resorts, so we recommend Nonprofit Retreat Centers that can meet your budget and know how to focus on catering specifically to nonprofit organizations, like the ones listed below.
Look into Nonprofit Camp & Retreat Center’s near you for nonprofit pricing and excellent service since they know exactly how to serve you.
Nonprofit Retreat Centers
Midwest Locations
Frankfort, Michigan - Crystal Conference Center
East Coast Locations
Centerville, Cape Cod, Massachusetts - Craigville Retreat Center
California Locations
Livermore - Camp Arroyo
Applegate - Applegate JRC
Aptos - Monte Toyon Camp
Foresthill - CGC Camp
Wilseyville - Calaveras County, Camp Lodestar
San Bernardino Mountains - Loch Leven Camp & Retreat Center
Western Locations
Allenspark, Colorado - Highlands Camp & Retreat Center
Crestone, Colorado - Blazing Mountain Retreat Center
Retreat In A Box
We are sharing our favorite 3-day Nonprofit Retreat Agenda to use as an outline for your retreat.
You can scroll to the bottom of this article for a preview and print out your copy.
Pro-Tip #4
Download the free Nonprofit Retreat Agenda created by our in-house professional who has led hundreds of nonprofit retreats and offers sage advice.
Embrace Nature
Take advantage of utilizing the great outdoors with some effortless fun and activities for bonding and enjoyment. If your nonprofit works in an office most of the time, enjoying a treasure hunt around a beautiful property will bring smiles.
We recommend checking out activities like swimming, disc golf, walking labyrinths, or basketball.
Pro-Tip #5
Organic interactions offsite can improve productivity back at work.
Hidden Talents
Inviting staff to participate in a retreat by revealing a hidden talent is a great way to inspire people to showcase their talents to their co-workers.
Pushing through awkwardness is always easier when leadership role models being silly and having fun, so lead off with your own silly talent or lack of one.
Pro-Tip #6
Create a Talent Show to showcase staff’s hidden talents. Make sure to ask for ideas and garner input from everyone, Could there be a poet in the midst? A magician?
Why Have an Offsite Retreat?
Organizational retreats help staff get focused
Excellent for team building
Excellent resource for team bonding
It is a terrific way to get some facetime when many people work remotely
The break in normal routine gets creativity flowing
Generates motivation and can re-invigorate teams
To ask our in-house specialist specific questions about planning a retreat click here.
3 Day Nonprofit Retreat Agenda
Printable Nonprofit Retreat Agenda
Day 1
4:00PM Arrive and Settle In
6:30PM - Gather for Opening Address and Introduction Activities
7:00PM - Dinner
8:00PM - Karaoke | Group Activity
9:30PM - Closing Circle
Day 2
8:00AM - Breakfast
9:00AM - Team Building Activity
9:45AM - Group Activity | Discussion Future Planning
11:00AM - Free Time
12:00PM - Lunch
1:00PM - Free Time or Optional Activity
2:00PM - Group Activity | Discussion on Future Planning Continued
6:00PM - Dinner
7:00PM - Meditation | Prayer Time | Rest Time
8:00PM - Make your own Ice Cream Sundaes
9:30PM - Closing Activity
Day 3
8:00AM - Breakfast
9:00AM - Group Activity | Discussion Future Planning Action Items
10:00AM - Free Time
12:00PM - Closing
12:30PM - Lunch
2:00PM - Departure
Free Time Activities Ideas
Craft Art Circle
Pool Time
Share Stories on Patio Chairs
Forest Bathing (Walking in Nature)
Disc Golf
Ping Pong
Air Hockey Table
Zip Lining
Low Ropes Course