New Day Camp Style Environmental Ed. Programs for School Aged Children

The Web of Life (WOLF) School is proud to announce our newly designed Environmental Education programs starting this Fall. As Bay Area schools have shifted to distance learning for the start of the 2020-2021 school year, WOLF School has focused on helping kids and families connect with the Web of Life, and has turned to supporting students and families as their schools remain in distance learning until their counties have 14 consecutive days without new covid cases.

WOLF School now offers new distance learning support, virtual, and outdoor education learning programs in addition to some old favorites. 

This weekend, WOLF School’s first 2020 Social Distancing Family Campers will enjoy the forest of Camp Monte Toyon in Aptos, while families rest, relax, and recharge with the redwoods. Guided nature experiences, campfire programs, and hosted camping will allow families to get out and enjoy nature in a safe and nurturing environment. Family tent camping includes access to Monte Toyon's beautiful trail system, and the trails of Nisene Marks State Park. Campers can also take advantage of the nearby beach and local Aptos take out and outdoor dining.

Our new Outdoor Learning Programs are open for registration this next week. 

Designed to help working parents by offering kids a day camp style program at Monte Toyon and Camp Arroyo, WOLF will work with individual families to create small, consistent cohorts of campers, as specified by state and local authorities.

Kids will learn, explore, and enjoy a fully outdoor education program at our camps in Aptos or Livermore. Including academic school support, homework assistance, outdoor science lessons, physical activity, fun, and socialization, our programs safe, consistent, distanced activities in the outdoors are led by qualified educators and will be custom designed with our attending families.  

WOLF continues to offer Virtual Environmental and Outdoor Education programs to schools and individuals via Zoom and Avaya.

Schools are invited to contact WOLF School to organize regular weekly Nature or Science Naturalist-led lessons on screen, and when permitted WOLF will offer programs to schools at their school sites or nearby open space outdoor areas. WOLF School continues to follow its mission and help kids and parents "Build respect, appreciation, and stewardship within the Web of Life." 

Registration will be available on the website soon…for info right away email Desiree.