FAQ - We Are Here

As part of our customer care, we want you to know we are here, we are listening, and we are happy to answer your questions. The UCCR family of camp, conference and retreat centers is doing everything we can to take care of you and your group. If you have more questions don’t hesitate to reach out to our Customer Service/Reservations Department at 800-678-5102 or via email reservations@uccr.org, we are happy to assist!

Are you closed?  
We are following state and local guidelines and will open to groups according to the phases as directed. 

I have a retreat scheduled, should I cancel? 
Not necessarily. If you are considering cancelling your reservation, please contact our reservations staff at reservations@uccr.org. We have options for you and have relaxed our guidelines to accommodate our customers. 

If I want to meet with my group as planned, are there precautions we can take while at the facility? 
Absolutely. We are working on a case by case basis to offer solutions for your group. Here are some of the steps we can take to keep your group safe when we get the go ahead from state and local laws: 

  • Adding lodging space (more cabins, buildings, or dorm rooms)  

  • Adding tables in dining room  

  • Additional chairs in meeting rooms  

  • 6' spacing marked on floors for food service  

  • Option for family style food service instead of buffet  

  • Our site staff will work with you to make the space work for your group's needs  

  • Sanitation stations  

  • Encouraging tent & RV camping at sites that can accommodate 

Can I book now for 2021? 
Yes. In fact, we are encouraging it as we anticipate 2021 to be very busy as people will be excited to gather again. 

How many sites does UCCR manage?
12. We partner with 12 property owners and provide facility management services at the following sites. Please look at a list of all our sites across the country here.


Nature Walk Through Monte Toyon


New Outdoor Space at Monte Toyon