Spring at UCCR Sites

I visited Camp Lodestar and Jesuit Retreat Center of the Serra last week--both in the California Sierra foothills. The intense colors of the spring bloom are getting close to hitting their peek. The colors and vibrancy of the different colors layered upon the hills and waving in the wind for me define the foothills each year. The colors in Camp Lodestar’s enormous meadow (50-60 football fields size!) are beautiful. At both sites, there is a variety of trees blooming and evergreen trees waking up to spring. Go to the foothills ASAP before it turns brown.

I met with the Cal Poly Pomona Architecture/Design class Saturday at Henry Coe State Park. Spring bloom is in full force at the park- it was awesome! Most of the students had not visited anywhere like that in No CA. It was a great weekend for them to be there. I was impressed with how engaged the students are in their project of designing a proto type cabin for use at CA state parks. By the end of the weekend I think they have a much better idea of the opportunity and challenges with this project.

-Mike Carr, UCCR President


CA State Park Cabins


Snow & Search and Rescue at the Camp