California's Web of Life Field School (WOLF) Kicks Off School Year with PACC Program

The Web of Life Field School (WOLF), an outdoor education school in California, kicked off the Fall season with their unique WOLF PACC (Personal Awareness, Community, Commitment) team-building program and curriculum. The program is designed to teach students the keys to successful communication, responsibility, and personal growth through leadership and initiative activities in the outdoors. This course offers field study activities, challenges, team-building, and science studies while living and learning together in a community in an outdoor setting.

Forty-nine participants from the 9th grade class of the Sacramento Waldorf School recently participated in the WOLF PACC program at Monte Toyon Camp and Conference Center, located in the coastal redwoods in Aptos, California. The camp offers low and high ropes challenge courses which is an integral part of the PACC program.

Naturalist Jeremy Leonard said the WOLF School staff prepare in advance for the ropes course. "Many staff harnessed-up and climbed the 'Multi Vine' while being belayed and encouraged by our coworkers. Our staff was placed into the same experiential context as we ask of our students. This helps us to better understand the team building and communication processes that they go through while attending the WOLF PACC program."

The program goals of this particular curriculum are that students will learn to identify their personal strengths and areas for improvement, develop tolerance and appreciation of personal differences, practice taking positive risks in a supportive environment, improve communication and problem-solving skills as well as develop an understanding that their actions affect their community. WOLF School Director Heather Butler encourages schools to engage with the PACC program, especially as a new school year begins.

“The WOLF PACC program is a great Fall Kick-Off for kids starting a new school year by getting them involved with team and community-building activities,” states Butler.

Other WOLF School programs available to students are the Residential Outdoor Science School which follows the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS), adopted by the California State Board of Education in September of 2013, and the California Living History Program. The Living History program is described as a journey through California’s Gold Rush as students learn about native peoples, our environment, the Gold Rush, and our natural resources through the eyes Native Americans, immigrants, pioneers, and prospectors.

The Web of Life Field School is a program of United Camps, Conferences and Retreats. For more information, visit