Summer Cabins
These separate cabins house 64 guests and make for a great outdoor rustic experience with the comforts of a shower & bath house nearby. Seasonally open from May to October, these cabins don’t have heat or air conditioning. Each cabin has a wood floor, screen-covered windows, a light, an electrical outlet, wood shutters, and a shingle roof. Each cabin accommodates eight guests in 4 bunk beds. Located very close to the heated shower & bath house with both men's and women’s sides, the shower house has sinks, showers, and toilet stalls. The minimum group size is 15 guests.
Please bring everything with you, as we do not provide pillows, towels, sheets, blankets, bedspreads, washcloths, pillowslips, or sleeping bags.
Summer Cabin Details
What a great way to enjoy camp life! All 8 of these cabins are the same except for cabin #4, which has an ADA-accessible ramp. Cabins 1-5 are closest to the shower house.
The Summer Cabins are the most rustic lodging option at Lodestar.
Open May through October only.
Eight cabins sleep eight people each in 4 bunk beds.
Wood shutters open up screened windows.
A shower & bath house is located nearby.
Check out this floor plan and handy printable room assignment form for convenience.