UCCR United Camps, Conferences & Retreats

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Bear-Cam at Applegate JRC

One of the things we greatly appreciate at Applegate Jesuit Retreat Center, is the natural setting and that we share our facility with many wild animals.

While our guests may be familiar with the deer, geese, and rabbits that are year round residents, the occasional transient black bear does meander through in search of food before hibernation.

So with the humans safely tucked into bed, we quietly photographed this curious bear who seems to be asking, “Any food around here before I settle into my long winter sleep?”

We do what we can to preserve our retreat center in this natural setting and our guests have a healthy respect for wildlife. This meeting of urban life and nature is what makes the nature-scape so perfectly apt to host groups for people that need a reconnection to the natural rhythms of life away from constant media attention.

While the black bear is not the most social creature, the site director recommends bringing a friend while out hiking our trails, as talking with them will cause the bears to scamper away. Our site director also recommends that your friend be a slower runner than you, as you don't have to outrun the bear, only the other person!

Of course we are only joking, yet if you do encounter a bear, simply make noise and don't run. Give bears plenty of space, and if needed, walk away backwards while still facing the bear. We also ask our guest to keep any food or food trash secured inside buildings and not in cars or in outside trash cans.